The New god

Man now looks to himself and his belief system over what God tells us in His Word. Man says we are good, we have our own values, we can solve our own problems. We don’t need God, we can do it all ourselves. Man worships himself. He has made himself into god.

When the Wise Become Fools

This new world religion of humanism has made mankind morally and spiritually bankrupt. A broken people led astray from the truth. As a result, America has excommunicated God from government, removing the ten commandments from the walls of all schools, courtrooms, and civic & governmental buildings.

The Bible warns us in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 when it says, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.”

How To Find the Truth?

For this reason, we’re called to test, or critically examine, what we hear. But what do we examine it against? Our own feelings and emotions? No. Because if you have given in to your own lust and someone tells you it’s okay, you will accept it. And stay in that sin.

We have to examine it against what God has said in His Word. It doesn’t matter what we think or how we feel, or even how much we agree with it. We are all going to stand before God one day, and we will be judged for everything we have ever done. And His judgement will be based on His Word.

This Is the Way

This is why Jesus came and died on the cross. He bore on His own body the punishment of sin that ALL of us should have to bear. He sacrificed Himself so that we can all be forgiven and cleansed for every evil deed we have done.