These Two Things Will Keep You From Heaven

These Two Things Will Keep You from Heaven

The Bible makes it clear that salvation is available to everyone. But not everyone accepts it. Two kinds of people will never enter heaven, and Scripture gives us clear examples of both. The first kind loves sin more than God, like Esau. The second simply refuses to believe, like Pharaoh. John 3:19 and 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11 reveal these truths, showing that people are not rejected by God but instead reject Him by their own choices.

Loving Darkness More Than Light

John 3:19 says, “This is the judgment: The light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil.” Jesus is the light, and He came to save. But some reject Him, not because they don’t believe, but because they don’t want Him. They love their sin more than they love God.

Esau is a perfect example. He had access to the truth. He was born into a family that knew and worshiped God. He even had the birthright, which included the promise of God’s blessing. But he despised it. He sold it for a bowl of stew because he valued his appetite more than God’s plan (Genesis 25:29-34). Later, when he wanted the blessing back, it was too late (Hebrews 12:16-17). His love for temporary pleasures kept him from the eternal blessings of God.

People today do the same. They know the truth but reject it because they don’t want to give up sin. They believe in God, but they choose their desires over Him. That choice keeps them from heaven.

Refusing to Believe the Truth

The second kind of person who won’t enter heaven is described in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11: “They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason, God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.” This is not about those who struggle with doubt. This is about those who will not believe, no matter what.

Pharaoh is an example of this kind of person. He saw God’s power through Moses. He witnessed miracles and plagues that proved God’s authority. But he still refused to believe. The Bible says that Pharaoh hardened his own heart multiple times (Exodus 8:15, 8:32, 9:34). Eventually, God confirmed his decision and hardened Pharaoh’s heart further. This didn’t mean God forced Pharaoh into rebellion; it meant God let Pharaoh go down the path he had already chosen.

People today do the same. They don’t reject Jesus because of lack of evidence. They reject Him because they refuse to accept the truth. And when someone keeps rejecting God, there comes a point when God confirms their choice and lets them go their own way.

The Choice Is Yours

God doesn’t force anyone to reject Him. People do that on their own. Some love sin too much to follow Jesus. Others refuse to believe no matter how much truth they see. Both kinds of people will miss out on salvation—not because God didn’t want them, but because they didn’t want Him.

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