When Jesus Agreed With Satan

When Jesus Agreed With Satan

Did Jesus Admit That Satan Rules the World?

At the start of Jesus’ ministry, He faced a direct attack from the devil himself. After fasting for forty days in the wilderness, Jesus was weak and hungry. That’s when Satan showed up, hoping to take advantage of His physical exhaustion.

One of the temptations Satan offered was power over all the kingdoms of the world. He took Jesus to a high mountain and showed Him everything, saying, “All this I will give You if You bow down and worship me” (Matthew 4:8-9).

Surprisingly, Jesus didn’t argue. He didn’t say, “These kingdoms don’t belong to you.” Instead, He simply responded, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only’” (Matthew 4:10).

Satan is the Ruler of This World

Why didn’t Jesus correct Satan? Because what Satan said was true! The Bible tells us clearly that Satan is the ruler of this world.

John 12:31 – Jesus calls Satan “the ruler of this world.”

John 14:30 – Jesus says, “The ruler of this world is coming.”

John 16:11 – Jesus confirms that “the ruler of this world has been judged.”

2 Corinthians 4:4 – Paul says, “The god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers.”

This means that when Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world, he wasn’t lying. He had real authority—authority that was given to him when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden.

Jesus Knew There Was a Better Way

Even though Jesus agreed with Satan’s claim of authority, He refused the offer. Why? Because Jesus didn’t come to take a shortcut to power. He came to defeat sin and take back what was lost—but not by bowing to Satan.

Satan was trying to get Jesus to bypass the cross. He wanted Jesus to take the easy way out. But Jesus knew that true victory would only come through His death and resurrection.

This is why He responded, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only’” (Matthew 4:10). Jesus refused to compromise, even when Satan offered Him everything.

Who Truly Owns the Kingdoms of the World?

While Satan has temporary rule over this world, his time is running out. Jesus didn’t need to accept Satan’s offer because He already had a plan to take back what was lost.

At the end of time, Revelation 11:15 tells us what will happen:

“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Messiah, and He will reign forever and ever.”

Satan’s rule is temporary. Jesus is the true King, and one day, He will take full authority over the earth.

Conclusion: Satan’s Lies vs. God’s Truth

Yes, Jesus agreed that Satan had power over the world. But He refused to worship him because Satan’s rule is only temporary. Jesus knew that God’s plan was greater.

Satan still tries to tempt us with shortcuts today. He offers fame, power, and wealth, but at the cost of our souls. Like Jesus, we must stand firm and say, “It is written.” We must trust that God’s way is always better.

One day, Jesus will return and fully reclaim His kingdom. Until then, let’s follow His example and serve only the Lord!

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The Greatest Act of Love

The Greatest Act of Love

Calvary: A Place of Suffering and Love

Matthew 27:33 tells us that Jesus was led to a place called Golgotha, which means “the place of the skull.” This place, also known as Calvary, was nothing special—just a barren hill outside of Jerusalem. Yet, this was where the greatest act of love in human history took place.

The name Calvary comes from the Latin word “calvaria,” which means skull. Even today, if you look at the hillside, you can see the shape of a skull in the rock. This place was not random. It was chosen for a purpose.

Jesus, the Lamb of God, was taken just outside the city to be sacrificed—just like the lambs that were brought through the Sheep Gate to the temple. Undeniably, He became the final sacrifice for sin, once and for all.

Jesus Chose to Suffer for Us

Many people think that Jesus was a victim of circumstance, but that’s not true. Jesus chose to go to Calvary. He willingly laid down His life for us because He loves us more than we can ever imagine.

John 10:18 tells us that Jesus said, “No one takes my life from me. I lay it down on my own accord.” He could have called down angels to stop His suffering, but He didn’t. Instead, He took the full weight of our sin upon Himself.

At Calvary, He endured:

Mocking and humiliation from the very people He came to save.

Severe physical pain as He was beaten, whipped, and nailed to a cross.

Separation from the Father as He bore the sins of the world.

Why? Because this was the greatest act of love.

The Lamb of God at Calvary

The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Lamb of God (John 1:29). In the Old Testament, people had to sacrifice animals to cover their sins, but those sacrifices were only temporary.

At Calvary, Jesus became the final sacrifice. His blood didn’t just cover our sins—it washed them away forever!

Hebrews 9:22 – “Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins.”

1 Peter 1:18-19 – “You were redeemed… with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.”

When Jesus died at Calvary, He made a way for us to be saved. His sacrifice was enough.

Will You Accept This Love?

The greatest act of love happened at Calvary. Jesus suffered so we could be forgiven, free, and have eternal life.

But love is a choice. In essence, Jesus already chose to love you—will you choose to love Him back?

If you haven’t given your life to Jesus, don’t wait. Come to the cross and receive His love today.

To watch the full message and bible study on this topic, CLICK HERE.

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Why Was Jesus Thirsty?

Why Was Jesus Thirsty?

Jesus’ Final Moments on the Cross

In Matthew 27:45-49, we read about the intense suffering Jesus endured during His crucifixion. One of the last things He said was, “I am thirsty” (John 19:28). This wasn’t just a random statement—Jesus was fulfilling prophecy. The Old Testament, written centuries before, had already foretold this moment.

Psalm 69:21 says, “For my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.” The soldiers near the cross offered Jesus sour wine, just as the psalm predicted. But why did Jesus say He was thirsty? Let’s explore the deep meaning behind these words.

Jesus Was Fulfilling Prophecy

One of the key reasons why Jesus was thirsty was to fulfill Scripture. Every detail of His suffering had been foretold. The betrayal, the mocking, the piercing of His hands and feet—none of this was by accident. Jesus knew what had to be done to complete God’s plan for salvation.

When Jesus said, “I am thirsty,” He wasn’t just asking for water. He was pointing back to the prophecy in Psalm 69:21, proving once again that He was the promised Messiah. The Roman soldiers, unknowingly, helped fulfill this prophecy by offering Him vinegar (sour wine) to drink.

Jesus was in complete control, even in His suffering. He made sure that every prophecy about Him was fulfilled before He breathed His last breath.

Jesus’ Thirst Represents His Suffering

Another reason why Jesus was thirsty was because of the extreme physical torment He had endured. He had been beaten, whipped, and nailed to a cross. He had lost a massive amount of blood. His body was dehydrated, His strength was fading, and He was in unimaginable pain.

But this thirst wasn’t just physical—it was also spiritual. On the cross, Jesus was taking on the sins of the world. For the first time, He experienced separation from God the Father. This was the real agony of the cross. He wasn’t just thirsty for water—He was thirsting for the presence of His Father.

This is why Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46). At that moment, He was carrying the full weight of our sin, and He felt the separation that sin brings.

What Does This Mean for Us?

Jesus’ thirst reminds us of the price He paid for our salvation. He suffered so that we could be saved. He took on our punishment so that we could be forgiven.

But there’s more. Just as Jesus thirsted on the cross, He offers living water to all who believe in Him. In John 7:37, Jesus says, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.”

We all have a thirst inside us—a deep longing that nothing in this world can satisfy. Money, success, relationships—none of it truly fulfills us. Only Jesus can quench that thirst.

Conclusion: Jesus Thirsted So We Wouldn’t Have To

Jesus’ thirst on the cross was more than just physical. It was a picture of His suffering, His separation from the Father, and His fulfillment of prophecy. But because He thirsted, we can drink freely from the well of eternal life.

If you’re feeling empty, lost, or spiritually dry, Jesus is calling you to come to Him. He alone can satisfy the deepest thirst of your soul.

To watch the full message and bible study on this topic, CLICK HERE.

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