The Rapture Is Global

The Rapture Is Global

In Luke 17:30-37, Jesus gives us a powerful picture of the end times and how the rapture is global. These verses tell us that the rapture will not be limited to one part of the world, but will happen all at once, across the globe. Some people will be working, others will be sleeping, but the rapture will happen in the same moment for everyone. Let’s take a deeper look at these verses and see what Jesus is telling us about this incredible event.

1. Two People in One Bed: A Global Event

In Luke 17:34, Jesus says, “I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed; one will be taken and the other left.” This verse is talking about the rapture. The phrase “one will be taken and the other left” means that when Jesus returns, some people will be taken to be with Him, while others will be left behind.

What’s really interesting here is that Jesus specifically mentions night. He says that two people will be in one bed, which means they will be sleeping. But, in the very next verse, He talks about two people working. This means that while some people are sleeping, others will be awake and going about their day. This shows us that the rapture will happen at the same second, all over the world. It might be night for one person, but it will be morning or afternoon for someone else.

2. The Rapture Will Happen Instantly

In Luke 17:35-36, Jesus continues by saying, “There will be two women grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left. Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left.” These verses further show us that the rapture is a global event. While some are working in the fields or grinding grain, others are still in bed. This tells us that no matter where you are in the world, the rapture will happen at the exact same moment.

People in one part of the world may be starting their day, while others are going to sleep, but Jesus will come in an instant and take His believers with Him. The fact that the rapture is global highlights the sudden and unpredictable nature of Jesus’ return.

3. Who Will Be Taken?

So, who are the ones that will be taken in the rapture? Jesus makes it clear that those who are taken are His followers, the ones who have put their faith in Him. They are the ones who are ready and waiting for His return. The ones left behind are those who have not followed Jesus and have not placed their trust in Him.

This global event will happen suddenly, and there will be no time to prepare once it starts. That’s why it’s so important to live each day with the expectation that Jesus could return at any moment. We must be ready, keeping our faith strong and our focus on Him.

Conclusion: The Rapture Is Global

In Luke 17:30-37, Jesus gives us a clear picture of the rapture. It will happen at the same second all over the world, with some people working, others sleeping, and still others going about their daily lives. The rapture is global, and those who are ready—those who follow Jesus—will be taken to be with Him. The ones left behind will face the consequences of not being prepared. Let’s make sure we are ready for Jesus’ return, living each day with Him as our focus.

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