End Times and Noah

End Times and Noah

In Matthew 24:36-39, Jesus gives us a clear warning about the end times. He says no one knows the day or hour of His return, but He compares it to the days of Noah. Let’s explore what this means and how it helps us understand what the world will look like before Jesus comes back.

1. What Were the Days of Noah Like?

Jesus said that the end times will be just like in Noah’s day. So, what was happening then? People were living life as usual—they were eating, drinking, getting married, and doing all the things they normally did. But something was wrong. According to Genesis 6:5, the wickedness of mankind was huge. Every thought and action was full of evil. People had completely turned away from God and lived however they wanted.

Noah built the ark while everyone else ignored God’s warnings. People didn’t believe that judgment was coming, and they continued in their sinful ways right up until the flood began. When it started to rain, it was too late for them to change.

2. The End Times Will Be Similar to Noah’s Day

Just like in Noah’s day, people in the end times will be focused on themselves. Many will party, eat, drink, and go about their lives without thinking about God. Sexual sin and perversion will run wild, just like it does today. People will ignore the seriousness of sin and its consequences. Uncontrolled sexual behavior will lead to unwanted pregnancies and, tragically, many abortions. In the place where a baby should feel safest—the womb—there will be no safety.

Divorce rates will also remain high, as Jesus mentioned that people will be marrying and divorcing as if it’s nothing. In our world today, the divorce rate in many places, like the U.S., is close to 50%. This shows how far people have drifted from God’s design for marriage and family.

3. Jesus’ Warning About the End Times and Noah

Jesus said that the end times will look just like the days of Noah. People will live for themselves, and many won’t believe that Jesus is coming back. But, like the flood, judgment will come suddenly. Jesus tells us to pay attention to the signs of the season. We may not know the exact hour, but we can see when the world starts to look like it did in Noah’s time. This is our wake-up call to stay alert and keep our eyes on God.

To watch the full message and bible study on this topic, CLICK HERE.

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After the Rapture

After the Rapture, God could easily walk away from all of humanity left on earth. Instead, God gives it yet another chance!

Matthew 24:14 says the gospel will be preached to the whole world during the tribulation period:

This Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

Matthew 24:14

The eyes of the Jewish people will be opened. God’s chosen people will experience a massive revival in Israel. Revelation 7 says that 144,000 Jews, 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel, will preach the Gospel of Jesus!