Mark of the Beast

Revelation 14 says that whoever takes the mark of the beast on their right hand or their forehead will drink the wrath of God.

This isn’t like sinning, praying to God, and then He forgives you. This is unforgivable. When you take the mark of the beast, that means you are beyond repentance. But how will people be able to buy food or sell? How can they get medical attention? How will they be able to feed their babies?

This is why Jesus said you better hope you’re not pregnant and living in the tribulation. You will not receive any help from God when you take the mark of the beast.

When Will the Rapture Happen?

The Bible tells us that every true believer will literally be caught up to be with the Lord. Some people say the rapture is not going to happen until midway through the tribulation period. Others say the rapture will not happen until the end of the tribulation.

The church, the body of believers, is talked about through the Scripture 77 times between Matthew and the end of revelation 3 where Jesus talks about the seven churches. You don’t hear the church mentioned again until the last chapter of Revelation. And when you go Revelation 4 & 5, there’s the gathering and we’re all worshiping the Lord. That happens before the tribulation period begins. All throughout history when God has judged the world, He always removes his people first.

In the same way God is going to remove his sons and his daughters first and then the apocalypse will begin.

What Jesus Told Us – Matthew 24:5

For many will come in My name, saying, “I am the Christ,” and will mislead many.

Matthew 24:5

In the Olivet discourse, Jesus stresses the importance of not allowing anyone to mislead you. In fact, this is the only thing that Jesus repeats four times the entire sermon (in verses 4, 5, 11, and 24). The word ‘mislead’ means to deceive, and deception has proven to be a crippling blow to humanity.

It all started when Jesus pronounced in Matthew 16 that He would build the Church on the Rock (Himself) and the gates of hell would not overpower it. And satan certainly cannot overpower the True Church that puts its faith and trust in Jesus. But if satan can’t beat the church, he did the next best thing. He joined it.

There are so many different faiths and religions from Catholics to Baptists, from Islam to Buddhists. Satan joined the Church and for those who choose not to read the Bible, the truth of God’s Word, they will get lost in the web of religion!