Would You Die for a Lie?
In Matthew 28:16-20, Jesus appeared to His disciples after His resurrection and gave them what we now call the Great Commission. He commanded them to go into all the world and make disciples, teaching everything He had taught them. Upon Jesus’ arrest, these men ran away in fear. Now they boldly took this mission and spread the gospel everywhere. But what takes place next makes their story even more powerful. They didn’t deny the truth of what they had seen. Instead, every single one of them willingly suffered and died for it. Would you die for a lie?
Would You Die for a Lie? The Apostles Wouldn’t
People will die for many things—family, country, or even a noble cause. But no one willingly dies for something they know is a lie. If the resurrection of Jesus had been fake, if it had been a story the disciples made up, they would have abandoned it the moment their lives were on the line. But they didn’t.
Upon Jesus’ arrest, these were the same men who had scattered. Peter, who boldly declared he would never deny Jesus, swore three times that he didn’t even know Him. The other disciples ran and hid. Yet after seeing Jesus alive, they became unstoppable.
They traveled across the known world, preaching about Jesus, healing the sick, and leading thousands to faith. And for this, they were arrested, beaten, and executed.
History records that Peter was crucified upside down in Rome. Thomas was speared to death in India. James, the brother of John, was executed by Herod. Andrew died by crucifixion in Greece. Philip, Bartholomew, and others died brutally for their faith. And John, the only disciple who wasn’t martyred, miraculously survived after an attempt was made to boil him alive.
Not one of them ever recanted. Not one denied Jesus. They went to their deaths proclaiming, “He is risen!”
The Evidence of Their Faith
Some skeptics argue that Jesus’ resurrection was a myth or a hoax. But here’s the problem—hoaxes fall apart under pressure. If the disciples had stolen Jesus’ body or made up a story, fear would have eventually caused them to confess. No one willingly suffers, endures prison, and faces execution for something they know is fake.
Therefore, the only explanation that makes sense is that they saw Jesus alive. The resurrection wasn’t just a belief to them; it was a reality. They didn’t just preach about Jesus; they gave everything for Him.
Undoubtedly, their boldness should challenge us today. Because if they were willing to suffer and die because they knew the resurrection was true, how much more should we live for Jesus? The world needs to hear the gospel, and we have the same mission they did. Jesus is alive, and His command remains the same: “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).
Would you die for a lie? The apostles wouldn’t. And that’s why we can trust their message.
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