End Times and Noah

End Times and Noah

In Matthew 24:36-39, Jesus gives us a clear warning about the end times. He says no one knows the day or hour of His return, but He compares it to the days of Noah. Let’s explore what this means and how it helps us understand what the world will look like before Jesus comes back.

1. What Were the Days of Noah Like?

Jesus said that the end times will be just like in Noah’s day. So, what was happening then? People were living life as usual—they were eating, drinking, getting married, and doing all the things they normally did. But something was wrong. According to Genesis 6:5, the wickedness of mankind was huge. Every thought and action was full of evil. People had completely turned away from God and lived however they wanted.

Noah built the ark while everyone else ignored God’s warnings. People didn’t believe that judgment was coming, and they continued in their sinful ways right up until the flood began. When it started to rain, it was too late for them to change.

2. The End Times Will Be Similar to Noah’s Day

Just like in Noah’s day, people in the end times will be focused on themselves. Many will party, eat, drink, and go about their lives without thinking about God. Sexual sin and perversion will run wild, just like it does today. People will ignore the seriousness of sin and its consequences. Uncontrolled sexual behavior will lead to unwanted pregnancies and, tragically, many abortions. In the place where a baby should feel safest—the womb—there will be no safety.

Divorce rates will also remain high, as Jesus mentioned that people will be marrying and divorcing as if it’s nothing. In our world today, the divorce rate in many places, like the U.S., is close to 50%. This shows how far people have drifted from God’s design for marriage and family.

3. Jesus’ Warning About the End Times and Noah

Jesus said that the end times will look just like the days of Noah. People will live for themselves, and many won’t believe that Jesus is coming back. But, like the flood, judgment will come suddenly. Jesus tells us to pay attention to the signs of the season. We may not know the exact hour, but we can see when the world starts to look like it did in Noah’s time. This is our wake-up call to stay alert and keep our eyes on God.

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God Gathers the Elect in Matthew 24:31: Who Are They?

God Gathers the Elect

Matthew 24:31 talks about a powerful event that happens when Jesus returns: God gathers the elect, His people, “from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.” But who are these people the angels will gather? Let’s dive into this verse to better understand.

1. Who Are the Elect?

The term “elect” refers to God’s chosen people. In the Bible, God promises to gather His people at the end of the age. Moses talked about this in Deuteronomy 30:3, where he said that God would bring back His people from all the places they were scattered. But who are these people in Matthew 24:31?

Note that this gathering happens after the rapture, so it doesn’t refer to Christians who have already been taken up. Instead, the “elect” here are likely the Jews—God’s chosen people—and also Gentiles who have come to know Jesus during the tribulation. Many people will turn to God during this difficult time, and they will be gathered by the angels when Jesus returns.

2. Surviving the Tribulation

Some of these elect will be people who somehow survive the seven-year tribulation. During this period, the world will be full of hardship and judgment, but many will come to faith in Jesus as their Savior. These are the ones the angels will gather from the “four winds,” meaning from all over the world. No true believer will be left behind. God knows where each of His people is, and He will send His angels to gather them from every corner of the earth.

3. God Gathers the Elect: A Gathering of True Believers

The gathering in Matthew 24:31 is a beautiful picture of God’s care for His people. Whether they are Jews who have long awaited their Messiah or Gentiles who turned to Christ during the tribulation, they are all part of God’s family. On that day, every true believer will be found and brought together, showing God’s perfect plan for His people.

Conclusion: God’s Faithfulness in Gathering the Elect

God promises hope to all who belong to Him. They are the elect who He gathers in Matthew 24:31. Therefore, whether they are Jews or Gentiles, those who trust in Jesus will not be forgotten. God will send His angels to gather His people from the four winds, ensuring that no one is left behind. God gathers the elect from every corner of the world, showing God’s amazing faithfulness to those who love Him.

To watch the full message and bible study on this topic, CLICK HERE.

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When Jesus Returns: Why All the Tribes of the Earth Will Mourn

When Jesus Returns: Why All the Tribes of the Earth Will Mourn

Matthew 24:30 gives us a vivid picture of the moment Jesus returns. The verse says that “all the tribes of the earth will mourn.” But who are these people, and why are they so sad when Jesus comes back? Let’s take a closer look at what this means.

1. Who Are the Tribes of the Earth?

The term “all the tribes of the earth” refers to everyone on the planet who has rejected God’s love and mercy. These are people who chose to live in sin rather than follow Jesus. In the Bible, there is a warning about taking the “mark of the beast” on the right hand or forehead. This mark represents loyalty to the Antichrist—a world leader who is against everything God stands for.

These people embraced the Antichrist’s way of life, thinking it would bring them power, security, and happiness. They proudly followed his world order, believing it would last forever. But as the Bible tells us, the Antichrist’s reign is short-lived. After seven years of ruling, Jesus returns to take back His rightful place as King. The people who followed the Antichrist realize their terrible mistake too late.

2. Why Are They Mourning?

When Jesus returns, He does so in power and great glory, splitting the sky wide open. For those who believed in Him, this is a moment of joy and hope. But for those who rejected Him, it is a time of mourning and fear. They are mourning because they now understand they’ve made a tragic choice. They rejected God’s love, grace, and forgiveness. Now, they must face the consequences. Their worst nightmare—the reality of living without God forever—is coming true.

These people mourn because they know they will have to pay the price for rejecting Jesus. They realize that their choice to live in sin and follow the Antichrist has led them to a place of eternal separation from God. Their short-lived power and pleasure under the Antichrist have come to an end, and now they must face judgment.

Conclusion: A Sobering Reminder

Matthew 24:30 serves as a warning and a reminder. Jesus is coming back, and everyone will see Him when He does. For those who love and follow Him, it will be a time of great joy. But for those who rejected Him, it will be a day of sorrow and regret. The phrase “all the tribes of the earth” helps us see that no one is left out of this moment. Every person will experience the return of Jesus—either with joy or with mourning.

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